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The Toybox Creative Communications Company website is intended to showcase a diverse range of category experience including financial and fmcg to healthcare, travel and most recently tobacco.
Unfortunately due to restrictions on tobacco advertising and marketing this work cannot be publicly shared on this website. However it is available in a password protected section where there is work developed for British American Tobacco's Kent, Dunhill, Lucky Strike and Vogue cigarette brands.
This work has been created during Paul Taylor's time served on the British American Tobacco business in Russia and Eastern Europe as Regional Executive Creative Director, in South Korea as Executive Creative Director and also as freelance Creative Director in London with British American Tobacco's agency of record.
There is also work that has been created for Cafe Crème and Petit Havana cigars and Silk Cut cigarettes.
Please request a password by following the link below and completing the required information. Alternatively phone details are on the same page.
NOTE: Only company email addresses will be replied to once confirmed. Apologies but information supplied with personal email addresses will not be permitted access.
Once you have been given a time limited password please use the link below to view galleries and projects for Kent, Dunhill, Lucky Strike, Vogue, Cafe Crème and Petit Havana cigars and Silk Cut cigarettes.